Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Famous Little City

It isn't often I get to brag about Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The town has never quite recovered from the pull out of Phillips Petroleum Company. It's hard when an oil town no longer gets to be an oil town. Surprisingly though, Bartlesville still has its own unexpected claim to fame. Bartlesville is proud owner of its very own Frank Lloyd Wright building. Even more, the Price Tower still manages to provide a bit of wonder to those few people who still find themselves passing through Bartlesville, like Wayne Curtis did, which he writes about here.

I grew up about ten long Oklahoma blocks away from the Price Tower. I saw it every day as I walked to swim practice downtown. Green copper paneling, triangle can you not love it? The last time I was in town was when I was there packing up my mom from the house I grew up in following my dad's death. I'm not sure when I might make it back there since no family remains in the town, but it is nice to know that there will still be a little bit of fame waiting for me if I do.

(Photo courtesy of: The Price Tower Arts Center)

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