Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is this for real?

Really, I want to know. 'Cause suggesting that teen girls use their, ummm... feminine charms for cash would be pretty weird for any store, but particularly for one that only sells edited versions of pop music. If anyone can prove or disprove the existence of these undies, which Feministing claims are being sold in the juniors departments of some Wal Mart stores, then you win... my thanks. But, really, is it real?

UPDATE: Yep, they're real.. but they've been, ummm..., removed from shelves in recent days.


Anonymous said...

so what you're saying is:

women *never* use their body to manipulate men in that way? and even if women do, we should never talk about it?

DJ Dual Core said...

There is a difference between acknowledging something and normalizing it.